Arts Arbitration and Mediation Services
& Sacramento Mediation Center
Basic Mediation Skills Training
October 15-17, 2015
Learn the art of mediation and conflict resolution!
This training is open to those who are new to mediation, as well as to those who wish to refresh their skills. Topics include communication and listening skills, the mediation process, confidentiality, neutrality, ethics, and more. For those interested in applying to volunteer on our AAMS and SMC mediator panels, this training is essential.
Whether you are involved in human resources, legal services, education or management, wish to develop your interpersonal skills, or are starting out on a new career path, you will find this training indispensable.
This training is approved for 15 hours of MCLE credit.
Thursday, October 15th -- 5pm-8pm
Friday, October 16th -- 8:30am-5pm
Saturday, October 17th -- 8:30am-5pm
Registration Fee: $595
10% Early Registration Discount (register by October 2nd)
15 MCLE Credit-hours: $150 (additional)
Registration includes materials, refreshments,
and light supper on October 15th.
For questions, contact Bonnie Kneitel
or call 916-441-7979 ext. 105
California Lawyers for the Arts
2015 J Street, Suite 204
Sacramento, CA 95811