CALIFORNIA LAWYERSFOR THE ARTSServing the Creative Arts Community Since 1974 |
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To (Re-)Apply for CLA Membership Online, simply fill out our membership application. This will allow you to join or re-join CLA If you receive an email requesting that you reset your password, and you have prompted that email, then please do so. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ONGOING SUPPORT. Please make sure that you are aware of the perks that accompany your membership at CLA. Call or email us to inquire!
If Applying by Phone or by Mail: to process your renewal by phone, call us anytime between the hours of 10 AM - 5 PM so that we can promptly process payment. Or, you may renew by mail: please download and fill out our Printable Membership Application (.pdf) and mail it in with your payment.
If you have any questions or need any additional assistance, please phone us at 888-775-8995 or email